Modification & Enforcement of Court Orders
Re-evaluating spousal support and / or child support
When a divorce or child custody order is finalized, support is arranged based on the current financial and living situation of the parties involved. However, simply putting a court order in place does not ensure that it will be followed by both parties, or that the circumstances will not change to the extent that the child support or spousal support order needs to be re-evaluated.
When financial or health situations change, child and spousal support may also change. The goal of child and spousal support is to allocate funds between the parents to support the financial needs of the children. The amounts paid and recieved are based on each individual's situation. When these situations change, it is often a good idea to work with an experienced attorney to see if and how they should affect your previous support orders.
Changes in Income or Employment
In this economy, people's employment status and income can change quickly. If your child support or spousal support order was put in place when your spouse was unemployed, and they are now working, that can have a drastic effect on the amount of support you are due. Conversely, if you are paying child or spousal support based on an income level you no longer have, that also can be reason to change the support order.
Sometimes, parents need a lawyer because parenting time or other issues laid out in the support order need to be addressed. If one parent will not follow the custody or visitation agreements set forth by the court, additional enforcement efforts from the court can come into play.
Free Initial Consultation
Like all family law issues, the need for modification or enforcement of support orders relies on your unique situation. There really are no hard and fast rules for when you should or should not work to make a change in support. Therefore, the best way to determine your next step is to take advantage of a free initial consulation with Lisa Amundson. She can help you understand what, if anything, needs to be changed, and your options for movoing forward.
If you are facing a difficult family law issue and want help, call today to arrange your free consultation with an experienced and effective family law attorney.